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Quick starts

Hello z390

The following is a simple Hello world application written in mainframe assembler language.

         BASR  15,0
         USING *,15
         WTO   'Hello z390!'
         BR    14

Add the contents of this to a file named 'HELLO.MLC'.

Now run the following z390 command to assemble, link and run the program.

Assumes z390 has been installed in c:\z390. Substitute for your local install location.

c:\z390\bat\asmlg HELLO.MLC SYSMAC(c:\z390\mac+)

Assumes z390 has been installed in /usr/local/z390. Substitute for your local install location.

/usr/local/z390/bash/asmlg HELLO.MLC "SYSMAC(/usr/local/z390/mac+)"

If you have successfully run the sample program, the output to the console will be similar to the following:

09:37:54 HELLO     MZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.03 ON J2SE 14.0.2 06/05/21
09:37:54 HELLO     MZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)= 47 IO=200
09:37:55 HELLO     LZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.03 ON J2SE 14.0.2 06/05/21
09:37:55 HELLO     LZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)=  8 IO=30
09:37:55 HELLO     EZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.03 ON J2SE 14.0.2 06/05/21
Hello z390!
09:37:55 HELLO     EZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)= 16 IO=21 INS=5

Hello zCOBOL

The following is a simple Hello world application written in COBOL.


            STOP RUN.

Add the contents of this to a file named 'HELLO.CBL'.

Now run the following z390 command to assemble, link and run the COBOL program.

Assumes z390 has been installed in c:\z390. Substitute for your local install location.

c:\z390\bat\cblclg HELLO

Assumes z390 has been installed in /usr/local/z390. Substitute for your local install location.

/usr/local/z390/bash/cblclg HELLO

If you have successfully run the sample COBOL program, the output to the console will be similar to the following:

21:13:17 hello     ZC390 START USING z390 V1.7.07 ON J2SE 16.0.1 06/27/21
21:13:17 hello     ZC390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)= 10 IO=2
21:13:18 hello     MZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.07 ON J2SE 16.0.1 06/27/21
21:13:19 hello     MZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 1 MEM(MB)=109 IO=19951
21:13:19 hello     LZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.07 ON J2SE 16.0.1 06/27/21
21:13:19 hello     LZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)= 11 IO=72
21:13:19 hello     EZ390 START USING z390 V1.7.07 ON J2SE 16.0.1 06/27/21
21:13:19 hello     EZ390 ENDED   RC= 0 SEC= 0 MEM(MB)= 17 IO=185 INS=41

Learn more in the zCOBOL user guide

Hello zCICS


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