Contributing to z390
The following document will provide details on how to contribute to the z390 project. For how to contribute to the documentation, see contributing to documentation
Setup and build
Install Java SDK
Make sure you have a Java SDK available to compile the application.
The project has moved to the Apache Adoptium Java SDK (previously AdoptOpenJDK) for distribution builds.
z390 requires Java 1.8 or greater.
You can check if this is available by running the following command:
shell> javac -version
javac 1.8.0_312` # you should receive a message like this
Clone the code
Start with a clone of the main repository.
shell> git clone
shell> cd z390
Once you are ready to submit changes, you will need a fork of the z390 repository. See for more details.
Build the code
bash> ./
If the job successfully runs, it means you are ready to start development.
Rebuild the JAR
You can just recompile the JAR without running the full build job by running the bldjar script.
bat> bat\BLDJAR.BAT
bash> bash/bldjar
Test the jar
gradle info:
in z390, to access and use the gradle commands, you first have to make the z390test subdirectory your current or working directory.
The test scripts are in subdirectory z390test\src\test\groovy\org\z390\test
Quick reference with some gradle commands
Action | Command |
get a list of gradlew command options | gradlew --help |
force a test run | gradlew test --rerun |
run a specific test/testset | gradlew test --tests 'pattern' |
run all zCobol tests | gradlew test --tests '*cbl*' |
Proposing new functionality
Enhancements are welcome, but be aware that you are stepping into an existing and well established project.
Before you spend time on an enhancement, we strongly suggest that you first discuss your proposal with the core team and get their buy-in before progressing.
The best place to have these discussions is on the z390 developer Google group.
Once you get approval from the group, you can work on your change via the standard GitHub pull request model.
Submitting changes
Changes can be submitted to the project by creating a pull request on the z390 project repository.
Useful technical details
The following section is to provide some technical background for new developers.
Project structure
The following directories are the core directories for the z390 project
Directory | Description |
src | Java source for z390 JAR |
bat | Windows bat scripts for running z390 tools |
bash | *nix bash shell scripts for running z390 tools |
demo | Demo assembler programs |
tests | Tests for z/Arch instructions |
zopcheck | Comprehensive instruction check |
mac | Primary maclib folder for z390 |
doc+doc_overrides | z390 Markdown documentation |
.github | Scripts and config for GitHub build actions |
The following directories provide additional features using the z390 toolkit.
Directory | Description |
zcobol | zCOBOL support |
cics | zCICS source, tests and demos |
structuredmacros | Alternative Structured Programming Macros from Daniel H. Snyder |
sort | Sort utility |
zpar | Generate program execution traces |
The following directories provide tests and demos for various features available in z390.
Directory | Description |
assist | ASSIST instruction support |
barcode | |
bsam | BSAM sequential file support |
guam | Graphic User Access method support |
linklib | ??? |
mfacc | Mainframe assembler coding contest |
mvs | IBM MVS 3.8j sys1.maclib macros |
perl | (Deprecated) Scipts to run Win BAT files on *nix. Use bash |
qsam | QSAM sequential file support |
rt | Various regression tests for z390 |
soa | Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) and TCP/IP support |
vsam1 | VSAM file support (version 1) |
vsam2 | VSAM file support (version 2) |
vse | VSE OS support |
Compatibility macros
z390 includes a number of macros that are interface compatible with those provided by mainframe operating systems.
The internal operation of the macros is different from a real mainframe. For example, the SVC instructions used by z390 are not the same as SVC calls used by z/OS.
This means, if you want to write programs that will work on a real mainframe then you need to use the supplied macros to perform the OS based actions. You cannot write programs that use SVC commands as they are not the same.
Structured macro extensions
z390 extends the standard HLASM syntax with additional keywords that allow you to write structured macro code.
See Structured Macro Extensions for more details.
This makes writing macros easier but structured macros are NOT compatible with HLASM.
Structured macro extensions are used extensively in the codebase which means moving between the mainframe and z390 has some challenges.
The project is looking at how to make this transition easier as it understands z390 users come here because they want to write and run HLASM programs and macros.
By contributing to the z390 project, you agree to assign all copyright to z390 Assembler LLC.
This allows the project to operate and change without the consultation of all copyright holders. This has not presented itself as an issue to date but could be an issue in the future.
If you don't agree to this condition, you are free to fork the project and create your own version under the GNU 2 license conditions.
The following preamble should be applied to all programs
z390 - Mainframe assembler emulator and run-time engine
Copyright (C) 2021 z390 Assembler LLC
This file is part of z390.
z390 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
z390 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
ASM macro template
.* z390 - Mainframe assembler emulator and run-time engine
.* Copyright (C) 2021 z390 Assembler LLC
.* This file is part of z390.
.* z390 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
.* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
.* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
.* (at your option) any later version.
.* z390 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.* GNU General Public License for more details.
.* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
.* along with this program; if not, see
.* dd/mm/yy change details
.* that go over a line
.* 04/19/08 RPI 833 add SETC quotes for HLASM compatibility
.* Macro documentation goes here
Quick reference with some git commands
git info: git documentation:
Action | Command |
get list of available commands | git help |
get syntax details for a git command | git help <command> |
create local clone of git repo | git clone <url\> <subdir> |
review status of current branch | git status |
get list of all defined branches | git branch -v --all |
prepare commit | git add . |
commit a set of changes | git commit -m"descriptive comments" |
push changes to your own fork | git push |
graphical display of branches | git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all |
-- > when viewing the bracnches displayed | <Enter> to scroll 1 line, <PgDn> to scroll a page, q to quit |
go 'back in time' to a specific commit | git branch -f <new_branch> [<start-point>] |
git switch <new_branch> |