Structured programming macros
Structured Programming Macros (SPM) provide a compatible subset of the macros that IBM supplies as part of its licensed HLASM Toolkit product.
These macros are based on the original 1978 public domain structure programming macros distributed as SHARE CBT tape #177. They have been enhanced to use structured macro extensions.
Macro reference
- IF, ELSEIF, ELSE, ENDIF - alternate selection
- DO, ENDDO - iteration
- SELECT, WHEN, OTHRWISE, ENDSEL - selection by value using compares
- CASENTRY, CASE, ENDCASE - selection by value using branch table
PM, PENTRY, PEXIT - perform block of code and return to next instruction
ASMMSP.CPY - copybook for compatibility with HLASM Toolkit programs that require this copybook
- ZSTRGBL.CPY - copybook included in each structured programming macros (SPM) with shared global variables
- ZSTREQU - macro called from ZSTRGBL to define shared EQU's for condition code operands
HLASM compatible versions
Also included are translated versions of all the structured SPM's in the z390\mac\spm directory. The translated version are for use on systems with HLASM or other mainframe assemblers which do not yet support the SPE's.
The following regression test programs are included:
- rt\test\TESTSPM1.MLC - test IF, DO, SELECT, and CASENTRY structures
The following z390 utilities are written in structured form using these structured macro:
- linklib\REPRO.MLC - VSAM load and unload utility
- linklib\SUPERZAP.MLC - dump and path file utility
- linklib\FPCONMFC.MLC - interface between z390 BFP/DFP/HFP regression tests and the mainframe compatible external format conversion routine linklib\FPCONVRT.MAC.