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Non-VSAM File Services

z390 supports sequential and random access to files through the provision of SVC functions and assembler macros.

The macros described here seek to emulate those provided by IBM® as part of their operating system macro services where it makes sense in the context of z390 runtime environments.

VSAM support

The macros GET, PUT and POINT can be used for VSAM access with the parameter RPL=rpladdress. VSAM usage is not documented here. Please refer to VSAM file services.

Quick starts

To access a file, a data control block (DCB) must be defined.

Programs that use the File I/O macros must include a DSECT for the DCB. The DSECT is generated by the DCBD macro, so a typical program structure would be:


Include the DSECT for the DECB, which is generated by the DECBD macro, if you are using READ or WRITE.

Read a file

The following code demonstrates the read of a file TEACHERS with a layout as described as IREC. The environment variable TEACHER should be set to point to the input file.

         OPEN  (TEACHERS,INPUT)    Opens the file
         GET   TEACHERS            Reads record
         CLOSE TEACHERS            Closes the file
IREC     DS    0CL27    Teacher record

Write to a file

The following code demonstrates the write to a file REPORT with a layout as described as OREC. The environment variable REPORT should be set to point to the output file.

         OPEN  (REPORT,OUTPUT)     Opens the file
         PUT   REPORT,OREC         Write OREC to record
         CLOSE REPORT              Closes the file
REPORT   DCB   LRECL=60,RECFM=FT,MACRF=W,                              X
OREC     DS    0CL60                Report output structure

Macro reference

SVC functions

The following is a list of the z390 SVC services that support the above macros.

DEC HEX Service
19 13 OPEN
19 13 OPEN (VSE)
20 14 CLOSE
20 14 CLOSE (VSE)
151 97 GET
152 98 PUT
153 99 READ
154 9A WRITE
155 9B CHECK
156 9C POINT

DCB - Data Control Block

Used to create the Data Control Block

Some of the parameters may be set before and/or after OPEN.

The individual descriptions indicate this.

label    DCB   DSORG=PS,                                               X
               EODAD=0,                                                X
               RECFM=FB,                                               X
               DDNAME=,                                                X
               MACRF=GM,                                               X
               SYNAD=0,                                                X
               BLKSIZE=0,                                              X
               LRECL=0,                                                X
               DCBE=,                                                  X
               RECORD=0,                                               X

EXLST is currently unsupported.

'label' is the file identifier, the DCB name, which is used in all the file I/O macros.

Term Meaning Description
BDW Block Descriptor Word Only used for RECFM=VB files.
A 4-byte field of the form 'blocklength',H'0'
The blocklength includes the length of the BDW.
RDW Record Descriptor Word Used for all variable files.
A 4-byte field of the form H'recordlength',H'0'
The recordlength includes the length of the RDW.
The program must set this field correctly for output, and expect it on input.
CRLF Carriage Return, Line Feed A term for the hex string X'0D0A' (ASCII) or X'0D25' (EBCDIC).
Now commonly used to terminate a text record.

DDNAME and DSNAME - DD statement/Dataset name



  • Can these be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can these be set in the DCB after OPEN : No

Only one of these parameters may be set in the DCB.

If both parameters are set in the program prior to open, the DSNAME will take precedence.

When DDNAME is specified, an environment variable will point to the path and file that is to be opened.

Within a program the GETENV macro can be used to extract the environment variable. See GETENV macro for full details.


Run using the following commands:

SET MYDATA=c:\path\file
CALL c:\path_to_z390\bat\ez390 c:\path\program parms
export MYDATA=/path/file 
/path_to_z390/bash/ez390 /path/program parms


For both Windows and *nix, the invocation of ez390 should be preceded by a path to the z390 script folder.

  • bat for Windows
  • bash for *nix

DSNAME is a label defined in the program which has the file spec.

The file spec must terminate with X'00' or be defined as a double-quoted string within a standard C-type constant.

MYDATA   DC    C'drive:\path\file',X'00'
MYDATA   DC    C'"drive:\path\file"'

MACRF - Macro type


  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes, but not recommended
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : No
Option Effect
MACRF=GM Get Move, use the GET macro to read a record
Use for standard (QSAM) file read
MACRF=PM Put Move, use the PUT macro to write a record
Use for standard (QSAM) file write
MACRF=R Read Mode.
Use READ/CHECK to read a record.
Use POINT for positioning.
MACRF=W Write Mode.
Use WRITE/CHECK to write or update a record.
Use POINT for positioning.
MACRF=RW Update Mode.
Use READ/WRITE/CHECK to read, write or update a record.
Use POINT for positioning.

DSORG - Dataset organization


  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes, but not recommended
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : No
DSORG=PS Physical Sequential

The only option at present, can be omitted.

RECFM - Record format


  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes, but not recommended
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : No

Translation: None

Input: Records are read LRECL at a time.

Output: Records are written LRECL at a time.

RECFM=FB Fixed Blocked

Translation: None


    • Records are read LRECL at a time out of BLKSIZE.
  • MACRF=R or RW
    • The whole block is read.


    • Records are written LRECL at a time into a block of size BLKSIZE.
      CLOSE may write a short block.
  • MACRF=W or RW
    • The whole block is written.
RECFM=V Variable

Translation: None


  • Each record is prefixed by the RDW.
  • The receiving area must be big enough for the largest RDW+record.
  • If the RDW indicates a record size larger than LRECL, abend S013 will occur.


  • Each record must be prefixed by the RDW.
RECFM=VB Variable Blocked

Translation: None


    • Each record is prefixed by the RDW.
    • The receiving area must be big enough for the largest RDW+record.
    • If the RDW indicates a record size larger than LRECL, abend S013 will occur.
  • MACRF=R or RW
    • The whole block is read, prefixed by the BDW.
    • The receiving area must be big enough for the largest BDW+block.
    • If the BDW indicates a block size larger than BLKSIZE, abend S013 will occur.


    • Each record must be prefixed by the RDW.
    • CLOSE will write the last block.
    • Each block written will have the BDW automatically inserted at the start.
  • MACRF=W or RW
    • Each block must be prefixed by the BDW.


  • ASCII mode:
    • None
  • Non-ASCII mode input
    • ASCII chars are translated to EBCDIC after being read.
  • Non-ASCII mode output
    • EBCDIC chars are translated to ASCII before being written, this is an internal function and does not affect the record in storage. Non-EBCDIC chars may be translated to X'00'.


  • The file is assumed to be in conventional ASCII format, with each record ending in the operating system specific end-of-line (EOL) character(s).
  • EOL is never read as part of the record.
  • If the record is shorter than LRECL, then trailing blanks are inserted.
  • EODAD is invoked when all bytes have been read.


  • EOL is inserted at the end of each record after trailing blanks are stripped.
RECFM=VT Variable ASCII text


  • ASCII mode
    • None
  • Non-ASCII mode input
    • ASCII chars are translated to EBCDIC after being read.
  • Non-ASCII mode output
    • EBCDIC chars are translated to ASCII before being written. This is an internal function and does not affect the record in storage. Non-EBCDIC chars may be translated to X'00'.


  • The file is assumed to be in conventional ASCII format, with each record ending in the operating system specific end-of-line (EOL) character(s).
  • EOL is never read as part of the record.
  • Each record is prefixed with the RDW.
  • EODAD is invoked when all bytes have been read.
  • The receiving area must be big enough for the largest RDW+record.
  • If the RDW indicates a record size larger than LRECL, abend S013 will occur.


  • Each record must be prefixed with the RDW.
  • EOL is inserted at the end of each record after trailing blanks are stripped.


The RDW is not written.

RECORD - Record address

RECORD DSECT=DCBREC Type=A Default=0 (undefined)

Default I/O area which can be overridden on the GET/PUT/READ/WRITE macros.

  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : Yes

If omitted, then the I/O area must be specified on the GET/PUT/READ/WRITE macros.

LRECL - Record length


  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : Yes
  • Maximum value is 2G-1.
  • For RECFM=F or FB, sets the record size.
  • For all other RECFM, sets the maximum record size.
  • For RECFM=F, LRECL=0 is valid, provided that BLKSIZE is set.
  • For RECFM=FB, LRECL must be a multiple of BLKSIZE.
  • For variable records, include 4 for the RDW.
  • The field DCBLRECL (Type=H) is retained for compatibility.

BLKSIZE - Block size


  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : Yes
  • Maximum value is 2G-1.
  • LRECL and BLKSIZE cannot both be zero.
  • For RECFM=F sets the record size if LRECL=0.
  • For RECFM=FB, sets the block size and LRECL must be a multiple of BLKSIZE.
  • For RECFM=VB, BLKSIZE must be at least 4 greater than LRECL.
  • For all other RECFM, sets the maximum block size.
  • The field DCBBLKSI (Type=H) is retained for compatibility.

DCBE - Data control block extension

DCBE DSECT=DCBDCBE Type=A Default=0 (undefined)

The DCBE is a control block defined by the DCBE macro.

  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : Yes
  • When defined, the addresses of the end-of-file (EODAD) and the I/O error routine (SYNAD) may be defined. When set, these addresses override the DCB EODAD and SYNAD parameters.
  • The DSECT IHADCBE maps the DCBE control block.

EODAD - End of file routine

EODAD DSECT=DCBEODAD Type=Address Default=0 (no routine defined)

The address of the end-of-file routine.

  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : Yes
  • This may be overridden if DCBE is coded.
  • If a further GET is done after end-of-file, then the program is terminated.

SYNAD - Error analysis routine

SYNAD DSECT=DCBSYNAD Type=Address Default=0 (no routine defined)

The address of the uncorrectable I/O error routine.

  • Can this be set in the DCB prior to OPEN: Yes
  • Can this be set in the DCB after OPEN : Yes
  • This may be overridden if DCBE is coded.

DCBE - Data Control Block Extended


EODAD - End of data routine address

Address of End of data routine.

Default=0 = no routine

When set, will override address provided in the DCB EODAD parameter.

SYNAD - IO error routine address

Address of IO Error routine.

Default=0 - no routine

When set, will override address provided in the DCB SYNAD parameter.

BLKSIZE - Large block interface

  • Default is zero meaning Large Block support is not enabled.
  • When set, the large block interface (LBI) is enabled.
  • This causes BDW and RDW fields in variable length files to use an alternative format:

    LLLL where high bit is on and the remaining 31 bits are length.

DTFSD (VSE) - Data control block

VSE only

DTFSD maps to the standard DCB as follows:

label    DTFSD BLKSIZE=n,                                              X
label    DCB   DSORG=PS,                                               X
               EODAD=,   maps from EOFADDR                             X
               RECFM=F,                                                X
               DDNAME=,  label if it exists, otherwise blank           X
               MACRF=RW,                                               X
               SYNAD=0,                                                X
               BLKSIZE=, maps from BLKSIZE                             X
               LRECL=,   maps from BLKSIZE                             X
               DCBE=0,                                                 X
               RECORD=0,                                               X

DTFPR (VSE) - Data control block

VSE only

DTFPR maps to the standard DCB as follows:

label    DTFPR BLKSIZE=n
label    DCB   DSORG=PS,                                               X
               EODAD=,   maps from EOFADDR                             X
               RECFM=F,                                                X
               DDNAME=,  label if it exists, otherwise blank           X
               MACRF=RW,                                               X
               SYNAD=0,                                                X
               BLKSIZE=, maps from BLKSIZE                             X
               LRECL=,   maps from BLKSIZE                             X
               DCBE=0,                                                 X
               RECORD=0,                                               X

OPEN - Open file

Open one or more files.


Open one file for INPUT

         OPEN  dcbname

Open one file for non-INPUT

         OPEN  (dcbname,type)

Open multiple files

         OPEN  (dcbname1,type,dcbname2,type)

The same, using register notation

         OPEN  ((reg),type)
         OPEN  ((reg1),type,(reg2),type)


  • R0 = Flags
  • R1 = DCB addresses


  • S013 OPEN failed and no SYNAD exit provided

OPEN (VSE) - Open file

Open one or more files for UPDATE.


         OPEN dtfname
         OPEN (dtfname1,dtfname2,...)


  • R0 = Flags
  • R1 = DTF addresses


  • S013 OPEN failed and no SYNAD exit provided

CLOSE - Close file

Close one or more files.


Close one file

         CLOSE dcbname

Close multiple files

         CLOSE (dcbname1,,dcbname2)

The same, using register notation

         CLOSE ((reg1),,(reg2))


  • R1 = DCB addresses


  • S013 CLOSE failed and no SYNAD exit provided

CLOSE (VSE) - Close file

Close one or more files.


         CLOSE (dtfname1,dtfname2,...)


  • R1 = DTF addresses


  • S013 CLOSE failed and no SYNAD exit provided

GET - Read sequential record

Read a sequential record


Read a record into an I/O area supplied on DCB RECORD=ioarea

         GET dcbname

Read a record into an I/O area

         GET dcbname,ioarea

The same, using register notation

         GET (reg)
         GET (reg1),(reg2)


  • R0 = ioarea
  • R1 = DCB address

PUT - Write a sequential record

Write a sequential record


Write a record from an I/O area supplied on the DCB RECORD=ioarea

         PUT dcbname

Write a record from an I/O area

         PUT dcbname,ioarea

The same, using register notation

         PUT (reg)
         PUT (reg1),(reg2)


  • R0 = ioarea
  • R1 = DCB address

READ - Read block from file

Read a block from a file.

  1. If EODAD or SYNAD result from the READ, they will only be processed by the CHECK macro.
  2. If the decbname parameter is specified in register notation, no internal DECB is generated. It is the programmer's responsibility to create and address the 16-byte DECB.


Read a block using an internal DECB, into an I/O area supplied on the DCB RECORD=ioarea

         READ decbname,,dcbname

Read a block using an internal DECB into an I/O area. The I/O area must be at least as large as DCB BLKSIZE

         READ decbname,,dcbname,ioarea

The same, using register notation

         READ (reg1),,(reg2)
         READ (reg1),,(reg2),(reg3)


  • R0 = work register
  • R1 = DECB address
  • R15= DCB address

WRITE - Write block to file

Write a block to a file.

  1. If SYNAD results from the WRITE, it will only be processed by the CHECK macro.
  2. If the decbname parameter is specified in register notation, no internal DECB is generated. It is the programmer's responsibility to create and address the 16-byte DECB.


Write a block using an internal DECB, from an I/O area supplied on the DCB RECORD=ioarea

         WRITE decbname,,dcbname

Write a block using an internal DECB from an I/O area

         WRITE decbname,,dcbname,ioarea

The same, using register notation

         WRITE (reg1),,(reg2)
         WRITE (reg1),,(reg2),(reg3)


  • R0 = work register
  • R1 = DECB address
  • R15= DCB address


  • Process EODAD or SYNAD on READ.
  • Process SYNAD on WRITE.


         CHECK decbname

The same, using register notation

         CHECK (reg)


  • R1 = DECB address


  • S013 READ/WRITE failed and no SYNAD exit provided

POINT - Position file pointer

Position pointer for next READ or WRITE

  1. When register notation is used for rba or rel, the register points to a field containing the value.
  2. rel is a fullword, maximum value 2,147,483,647 (2G - 1).
    rel is multiplied by BLKSIZE to get the rba.
  3. rba is signed 64-bit value.


Point to a record using relative record number

         POINT dcbname,rel

Point to a record using relative byte address

         POINT dcbname,,RBA=rba

The same, using register notation

         POINT (reg1),(reg2)
         POINT (reg1),,RBA=(reg2)


  • R0 = rel or RBA
  • R1 = DCB address
  • R15= Blocksize


Term Definition
dcbname the label on the DCB macro.
reg general register, avoid 0, 1, 14 or 15.
type INPUT, OUTPUT or UPDATE (default is INPUT).
ioarea label of the I/O area for the record to be read/written.
decbname internal or external DECB for controlling READ/WRITE.
rel relative record number.
rba relative byte address.
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